Columbus Bar Association President’s Report | November

Join Robert D. Erney, president of The Columbus Bar Association for his November president’s report.
Hi, everyone. This time of year, we stop and think about all the things that we are thankful for. We at the Columbus Bar Association are thankful for you, our members. Thank you for your membership, thank you for your support, thank you for your involvement with our Bar Association, thank you for your belief and your trust in us.
We’re very grateful, and we promise to do everything we can to make you the best lawyer that you can be. We as lawyers are very blessed, and we have so much to be thankful for, our families, our friends, our faith, our good health, those things are precious to us, but also our ability to work and to work remotely, to work with this great technology that we have, to serve our clients, and to serve society, and to make our world a better place. We’re very, very blessed and very fortunate indeed.
I know that these are uncertain times, but we are here for you, we are here for each other, you know that the Bar Association will always help you in any way that we can. We have your back. We are here for you.
This Thanksgiving will look a lot different from all the other ones that we’ve had, but we know it’s only temporary, we know it may only be this year only, and we also know that we are serving the greater good of our society by staying within our bubble within our smaller groups and stopping the spread of this coronavirus.
We at the Bar Association believe that we should lead with compassion and empathy, and there are so many people that are hurting so bad today and have things so much worse than we do. We truly are blessed to be lawyers. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. Have a great holiday season, and just know that we’re always there for you.
I’m Rob Erney, number 130. We’ll see you in December.
Consider watching the video podcast for this President’s Report on The Columbus Bar Associations Website.