Warm weather means more and more pet-owners will begin to take their dogs out to enjoy the fresh air. While dog owners who responsibly own, socialize and train their dogs can prevent most dog bites from occurring, millions of people are still bitten by dogs every year in the U.S. In 2012, over 800,000 dog bites led to serious injuries, and 38 attacks were fatal.
The magnitude of these injuries can be vast causing severe pain both physically and emotionally to victims. Injuries often come in the form of:
- Scarring
- Deformity
- Lacerations
- Tissue Loss
- Abrasions
- Punctures
- Rabies
- Cellulitis
- Broken Bones
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Fear or Insecurity Around Dogs
- Fractures
Ohio law holds dog owners and keepers liable for injuries, death or losses caused by their dog unless the injury, death or loss was the result of the harmed party committing trespassing or another criminal offense. If you or someone you know has been bitten by a dog, you may be entitled to compensation. An experienced Columbus, Ohio dog bite attorney can help you sort through the facts of your case to determine if you have a valid claim.
Prevention & Safety Tips
To avoid a dog bite or attack, protect yourself with these safety tips next time you are around an unfamiliar dog.
- Never approach an unfamiliar dog.
- If approached by an unfamiliar dog, remain still without making any sudden movements.
- Don’t panic by running away yelling or screaming.
- Don’t make eye contact with an unfamiliar dog.
- Never leave children unattended or alone around a dog.
- Never disturb a dog while it is eating, sleeping, or tending to its puppies.
If you are a dog owner with a dangerous pet, responsible pet care will help ensure both the well-being of others and your animal. The Humane Society of the United States recommends the following to prevent your dog from biting:
- Spay or neuter your dog to reduce the pets desire to roam or fight with other dogs.
- Socialize your dog around different types of people and in different situations to prevent fear or nervousness.
- Attend training classes with your dog and every member living in your home to understand the proper training techniques.
Following a dog bite, the victim must seek medical attention as soon as possible, requesting all necessary documentation about the injury from the overseeing doctor. It is important to find a dog bite attorney who can help you protect your rights if you are harmed by a dangerous dog.
Gathering any pertinent information surrounding the dog bite occurrence will help you increase your likelihood for compensation. Relevant information includes the owners name, address and telephone number, photos of any visible injuries, and the pet-owners insurance information.
Robert D. Erney has handled many dog bite claims. If you or someone you love has been a victim of a dog bite, contact us to discuss your potential case.