How To Protect Yourself And Those Around You From Contracting COVID-19 This Holiday Season

The holiday season is quickly coming upon us. More and more people are looking to put up their Christmas tree and many have started their Christmas shopping. Unfortunately, coronavirus doesn’t look to be going anywhere. This means that you’re just as much at risk of contracting the virus regardless of which family members you meet up with. If you want to stay safe while also making sure that you are protecting those around you, then you need to try and make sure that you take the right steps. By doing so, you can ensure the safety of your family and friends.
Try Hosting a Virtual Christmas
Not meeting up with friends or family at Christmas can feel lonesome. There are even people who live on their own who won’t be able to celebrate it with anyone, depending on the current regulations. If you want to try and make sure that nobody is missing out on the festivities, then why not host a virtual Christmas instead? When you do, you will soon find that it is easier than ever for you to have the best time without putting your family or your friends at risk. It also means that those who are in a high-risk category can attend without having to worry about contracting the virus, or missing out on the fun.
Wear a Mask
Another thing that you need to try and do is wear a mask. At the end of the day, masks have been proven to prevent or at least slow down the spread of coronavirus. If you are not wearing a mask, then your chances of transmitting the virus grows considerably. If you have not yet thought about the idea of wearing a mask then you’ll be glad to know that they are widely available online and that it’s easier than ever for you to get plenty of them delivered for the big day. Just remember that some studies have shown that masks that have valves are not as effective as masks that do not come with valves, so keep this in mind. If you are buying cloth masks, then these will need to be washed on a regular basis. Disposable masks are just that, disposable. When you have taken yours off, toss it responsibly and then put on a fresh one. This is the best way for you to protect your friends and family from COVID-19.
Keep Your Distance
Christmas should absolutely be a time for fun and celebration. At the end of the day though, it’s vital that you try and do everything you can to keep your distance. If you do not keep your distance from others, then the chances of you contracting the COVID-19 increase. It’s vital that you do whatever you can to stay at least 6 feet away. This can be difficult in a small home, so if possible, try and attend a relative’s home if they have more space. It may also help to move the chairs a bit further away, and to set the table so that people are in alternating seats. This may sound extreme, but if you want to ensure that everyone is safe then this is ultimately the best way for you to do that.
Seeking Legal Help
In Ohio, the legislature has enacted temporary and broad laws granting immunity to health care workers, businesses, and other people for their negligence during the pandemic. What this means is that if you contract COVID, you will not have any legal recourse against other people or businesses. There are a few limited exceptions that apply, and you should reach out to Erney Law for a consultation surrounding these exceptions.
If you are injured in a car accident, motorcycle accident, or have some other personal injury or accident, Erney Law is ready and available to speak with you about your personal accident. We are a Columbus Ohio Personal Injury Law Firm, but we are licensed and available to handle all personal injury claims throughout the state of Ohio, not just in Columbus. So if you are in search of a good lawyer, look no further. We are ready and willing to speak with you about your potential personal injury case.