If you’re an active social media user and you’ve just been in an accident, your first inkling may be to post details of the event to your Twitter or Facebook accounts. Unfortunately, insurance companies usually monitor claimants’ social media pages for information, and they can use evidence against you to deny claims. In fact, it’s one of the first places insurance companies check. It’s possible that one wrong post can ruin your settlement claim. Before you Tweet about your recovery after the accident, think first.
• Think about the timeline of your posts. You may be at home recovering from injuries and digging through old photos that you want to post to social media to pass the time. But insurance companies don’t always look at the chronology of your posts. If you post pictures from last month’s camping trip when you’re supposed to be recovering from a broken leg, this may lead insurance adjusters to believe you’re lying.
• Try not to vent about your emotions. While it may be tempting to go on a rant about the person who cut you off, it is best to leave emotions out of the equation. If you post anything to social media, keep it concise and factual. Insurance companies look for ammunition to use against you.
• Do not post photos of the accident or injuries. Any photos of the accident scene or injuries can be found at any time once they’re online. Adjusters will look for even the smallest discrepancies between claims and actual damage or injuries.
• Do not show or talk about physical activity. If you claim injuries to your neck or back, never post any photos or text regarding physical activity. If you try to collect on a broken bone or another debilitating injury, posting something like: “Getting the flower beds ready for spring!” will absolutely be used against you.
• Don’t post anything that admits fault. Posting too many details of the event can lead to trouble. Posts like, “I wish I hadn’t skipped that tune-up last week” or anything else even mildly suggesting fault will destroy your case.
• Don’t reveal details of the litigation process. Posting information about the settlement being offered or other discussions with your lawyer will tip off the insurance company as to your next move. Plus, you don’t want hundreds of people knowing how much money you’re going to get from the settlement. That’s just asking for trouble.
In short, victims of car accidents or personal injuries should try to stay out of the social media scene altogether during the litigation process to avoid saying anything that can be used against them. Once the process is over, feel free to go back to your social media accounts. If you insist on posting on Twitter or Facebook, remember to keep it entirely factual and at a bare minimum. The less you say, the less ammunition you offer insurance adjusters. If you’ve been in a car accident, or you’ve had any type of personal injury and are in need of a lawyer, consult with Ohio Injury Law today. We have your back!